Digital has not only revolutionized how customers consume data to perform a plethora of activities, from comparing prices to scouting for best offers, but it also has radically transformed how the corporate world conducts business. It is here to stay and influence corporate governance ever greater.
The journey toward digital transformation may seem rather expensive, but is critical if companies want to have an edge over competition or worse yet, even to survive. Digital transformation is increasingly becoming pervasive across organizations, including marketing& sales, HR, manufacturing, supply chain, customer engagement, to mention a few.
Digital Transformation broadly entails six stages and invariably companies go through these stages with the time period of each varying. A company would do well to check which stage it is in, to adapt to specific challenges. Below is the list of these Six stages of Digital Transformation.
Table of Contents
Stage 1: Business as Usual
This stage is a testament to companies’ reluctance to embrace digital. They tend to be warped in legacy approaches to marketing, PR, customer reach and so on, thinking that the traditional processes, metrics and technology are all what they need to go digital.
Stage 2: Present and Active
In this stage, the company has deployed digital processes on an experimentation basis merely to improve specific touch points and processes. They adopt a wait-and-see approach and bide their time before they decide to go the whole hog. They are looking for success stories from competitors following all-out digital transformation. This in and of itself may constitute a measured step, but sometimes it may prove counterproductive when it becomes too late when they take the plunge.
Stage 3: Formalized
This stage sees companies taking bolder steps, buoyed by success they reap from pilot projects, to scale up the digital initiative. Experimentation becomes too deeply entrenched in a way that becomes the de facto mindset. Stakeholders vie for executive patronage for newer resources and technology.
Stage 4: Strategic
In this stage, discrete groups realize that they can achieve synergy through collaboration. They take cues from their research, work and shared insights and leverage on them to craft new roadmaps for digital transformation and more importantly amplified investments.
Stage 5: Converged
In this stage, the need for a dedicated digital transformation team becomes concrete. Its main focus is to guide strategy and operations. To do that, it relies on business and customer-centric goals. As multiple aspects of transformation become more concrete, such as roles, expertise, models, processes and systems, the bespoke infrastructure increasingly becomes well-defined.
Stage 6: Innovative and Adaptive
In this stage, digital transformation becomes comprehensive in a way that permeates through the entire organization. Everyone comes to terms with the fact that change is constant and starts forging an ecosystem where technology and market trends are explored during the pilot stage and beyond.
If you are looking for a partner to help you embark on the journey that is digital transformation, then look no further! Help is close at hand. Pixel Studios has rich expertise in assisting many organizations go through the digital transformation journey. No matter which stage you are in, with our proven track record, we can make vital contribution to your bottom line. To know how, please click here and we will be glad to assist you.
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