We bring digital technology to where it matters. Our approach involves building solutions, one step at a time, from areas that bring unprecedented change in ecommerce website development in chennai, make implementation painless & compelling.

Beacon &
RFID Based Solutions ( RTLS using RFID / Beacon )

Fascinated by the customer engagement that’s possible, Pixel Studios has created rich expertise in the area of Beacon & RFID implementation, ecommerce website development company in chennai for Asset and People tracking plus process monitoring. If you want to explore what’s possible with IOT devices for business results, you are right now reading the right line. We are looking for more use cases to implement this lovable technology. Let’s explore.

Ecommerce Website Development Company In Chennai

Portal Design &
Development ( Web & Mobile App for external stakeholders )

From a product company to an eCom Store ? From one retail store to creating distribution network ? From a limited customer base to wider market ? A portal that can bring seamless integration of business model, marketing / sales process, delivery & customer feedback, we at Pixel Studios, get our hands-on into writing the plan to the code with full stack development for ecommerce development company in chennai. We leave no stone unturned to bring results.

Ecommerce Website Development In Chennai

Business Process
Automation ( Web & Mobile App for internal operations )

Business Process enables standardization & technology creates scalability. We work with our clients and create ecommerce website development company in chennai, whose businesses expands to multiple products, wider geography, to bring technology to Process Automation. If the question is “Can we get the work done by cutting the clutter ? Reducing the dependency?”, our answer is, Yeah, let’s discuss. Afterall, helping our clients focus on where it matters is good business. Isn’t?

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Ecommerce Development Company In Chennai

Data Analytics & Presentation

The past definitely gives an indication of the future. The data that lies in warehouse can reveal useful business insights that can project future or even help create a new one for ecommerce website development company in chennai. Keeping it simple, the data that is filtered & presented with visual appeal, can result in better decisions being made, faster. Day in Day out. We convert data to visual.

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Bringing new value to the business through technology is the core attribute of Digital Technology services. Proper business analysis to analyze the shortcomings of a brand and rectifying them with existing tools is what makes Digital Technology companies stand out. With more and more growth of the digital economy, there has to be a competitive advantage for your brand. Hence, modifying your plan and comparing it with your existing one helps shape your digital journey.

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